Birds - Sounds of the African Bush

These short recordings are of individual species – for listening pleasure and identification.

Woodland Kingfisher

The trilling call of the Woodland Kingfisher heralds the arrival of the bushveld summer with pairs singing in duet whilst facing each other with outstretched wings.

Grey-headed - Bushshrike

The drawn out mournful call of the Grey-headed Bushshrike accounts for its Afrikaans name ‘spookvoel’ meaning ghost bird.

Lilac-Breasted Roller

This harsh call is usually given in display as it flies up into the sky calling loudly as it rocks from side to side whilst swooping back to its perch.

African Fish Eagle

African Fish Eagle – resident on many of the dams and waterways in southern Africa.

African Barred Owlet

This little owl is widely distributed in southern and central Africa and is common in the South African bushveld regions. The barring on the head and back give it its name and helps to separate it from the even smaller Pearl-spotted Owlet.

While it is mostly active at night it is often vocal during the day particularly in the area where we live on the edge of the Kruger National Park. The call is a rather monotonous “kroo-kroo-kroo” that may go on for long periods and particularly at the start of the breeding season, pairs may call together.

Pearl-spotted Owlet

This is the smallest owl in southern Africa and despite its size, it is an active hunter of small birds, mammals, lizards and snakes. Like the African Barred Owlet, it is often seen during the day. The little pearl-shaped spots on the head and back give this bird its name and it has two obvious false ‘eyes’ at the back of the head.

The call is very distinctive, a long series of high-pitched whistles starting softly, then increasing in intensity and then after a short pause, descending in pitch towards the end.

Collared Palm Thrush

Song and alarm call of a Collared Palm Thrush recorded in Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe.

Bearded Scrub Robin

Around our home this attractive Robin often introduces the dawn chorus with its melodious song, and continues for extended periods as the day warms up.

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